Friday, November 05, 2004

Do Not Judge Unless Its A Book

WHy is it that we find it hard not to judge others? Why is it so easy to notice and talk about the negative side of a person and yet we still think that we're better than them? (Ironic isn't it?) Have you ever tried to really listen to what you and your friends or family members are saying when you guys are talking about other people's personality? I did. And I realize that we are no better persons than them because we become, what we hate. We forget to look first in the mirror before looking at others reflection.

I would rather be mute than deaf because there is no point in talking if you can't listen to what you are really saying.

If you were to chose from being deaf or mute, what would you rather be?


At 9:19 PM, Blogger AveragePsycho said...

There was actually a movie about this guy whom everyone in their town thought was mute. They would talk about their secrets even when he's around thinking that he'd be telling no one, which he didn't. At the end he revealed to them that he could talk. When asked why he never said anything, he said that it was because no one ever gave him a chance to. sometimes we act the way people percieve us to be rather than who we really are. La lang... I'd rather be mute...


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