Reading past posts
I'm amazed on how much I have written for the past 3 years of having this blog site... ( I just finished running through all of them right now) I didn't realize how much stuff I wrote about.. Although ofcourse as compared to real bloggers, (yung mga masisipag and yung mga mahilig talaga magsulat) mine is probably only 1/8th of what they have written...hehehe Anyways, its nice to go back to the moments and memories that each blog post reminds us of. I was also suprised in some comments that I got which I couldnt remember seeing before... (i didnt realize na may nag babasa pala talaga nito...hehehe)
Anyways, Im just glad to find myself wriitting again. I realized that writting isn't just only a way of expressing feelings and ideas but it also preserves moments and memories that we could get back to and allows us to see ourselves in a different perspective.
So keep on writing! =)
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